
Bob studied photography at Harbor College in Wilmington, CA. Most of the images in this collection were scanned from boxes of slides and negatives found among his belongings—many without notes or any accompanying details for context or credit. I assume most were taken by him, though he was often joined by his friend and fellow photographer, Keith Bergher.

The collection reveals an early mastery of composition and technique—tasteful double exposures, landscapes, street photography, candid moments, and striking portraits. It also includes rare and uniquely personal live shots of The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Lou Reed, Ted Nugent, and behind-the-scenes glimpses of Montrose in 1975 and ’76.

I never saw these photos until after he passed, so I don’t know what cameras he used or the stories behind the shots. But I do know two things for certain: he was a devoted fan of Ansel Adams, and he had an enduring love for funky, offbeat cameras. The weirder, the better.